Monday, February 5, 2007

Flanker AAR: Elanif Nugpot

Although primarily an air superiority fighter, the Su-27 (as simulated in Flanker) is also a very versatile strike aircraft. It is capable of delivering various unguided and guided bomb, as well as guided missiles of many types including anti-ship missiles. Major Ivan Obelovic will tell us more about this capability as he recounts a mission he recently flew during a joint Russian-NATO training flight.

"During the recent Russian-NATO [joint] exercise, we flew as the Red Team against Turkish Air Force F-16C's playing as the Blue Team. The Red Team was based in Kerch airbase while the Blue Team was hosted by the Sevastopol airbase. In this particular training mission, we had the opportunity to show that our Zhuravlik (Su-27 Flanker, ed.) is also a capable strike aircraft. The scenario is as follows. A Blue intelligence gathering ship (simulated by a derelict Russian Polnochny-class ship) has been damaged by a Red missile boat and is left dead in the water some 300 km due south of our airbase. The objective of the Red Team is to finish the job and sink the ship. The objective of the Blue Team is to defend it."

"Our AWACS, orbiting just North of Kerch (callsign Red Star), has been monitoring the area and tells us that currently the Blue Team is maintaining a CAP flight of 2 F-16C's over the crippled ship. We also know that, if necessary, they can send in reinforcements from Sevastopol. Our plan for this mission is simple. We will have 2 flights of Su-27s participating in this mission. First to get airborne is Alpha flight, with 2 Su-27s. They will try to kill any enemy fighters around the ship. Next, with a 150-second interval will be Bravo flight, consisting of one Su-27 carrying Kh-35 (AS-17 Krypton, ed.) anti-ship missiles. I will be flying as Bravo, while my comrades Major Belyakov and Captain Isachenkov will be flying as Alpha-1 and -2, respectively. Alpha flight will be flying at high altitude, 8000 m, while I will be flying low at 1000 m to avoid detection. Furthermore, I will have my radar inactive almost all the way. I will be switching my radar on only after I reach the IP to acquire the ship and launch my Kh-35s. After I launch my missiles, I will directly RTB while Alpha will loiter for awhile to sanitize my six and, if possible, do some quick BDA."

"Alpha flight takes off at precisely 1630 hours (all time local, ed.). They immediately turn south while climbing to 8000 m. Alpha flight is carrying a full load of R-27, R-77 and R-73 missiles."

"Exactly 2 minutes and 30 seconds later, I get clearance from the tower to take off. After I am safely airborne I immediately clean up my aircraft and head south towards the target. I am carrying 4 Kh-35 missiles. While I am also carrying AAMs for self-defense, I will be relying on Alpha flight to keep me out of trouble."

"There isn't much happening for the next 10 minutes or so until I hear via the radio that Alpha flight is changing formation into combat spread. This means that Alpha flight has detected Blue team fighters and is nearing engagement range."

"Later, during the debriefing, Major Belyakov tells me that they have been watching the Blue CAP for awhile, via the information datalinked from Red Star. As they are entering the range of their R-27 missiles, he'd tell his wingman to loosen up the formation and accelerate to attack speed. He'd then tell his wingman to target the Blue wingman while he is going to take the leader. After receiving acknowledgment from Alpha-2 that he has sorted the bandits, Belyakov tells his wingman to engage. Belyakov himself immediately launched an R-27 missile, followed a few moments later by Isachenkov with another R-27."

"The Blue bandits, now realizing that they are under attack, breaks formation. The wingman breaks high while the leader breaks low while releasing chaff and flares."

"Belyakov's missile is apparently confused by the chaff and misses the leader. Meanwhile, Isachenkov's missile tracks the wingman perfectly and hits him amidships. The F-16C explodes while its pilot ejects."

"Belyakov immediately launches his second missile. This time the missile guided perfectly and destroys the Blue leader. The pilot also manages to eject."

"I heard Alpha flight declares 2 splashes and Red Star confirms that the area is now clear. I proceeded to the IP and climb to 2000 m. The range of the Su-27's ground radar is approximately 20 times its current altitude. By climbing to 2000 m, I should be able to detect the ship from approximately 40 km out. I switched my radar on and change to Zemlya (A-G) mode."

"I move the radar antenna to scan the sea before me, and finally I saw the target blip. I then zoom in to a higher resolution to put the radar cursor on the target. At the highest resolution, I can positively ID the ship and I immediately lock it up."

"After achieving lock-on, I immediately ripple fire all four of my Kh-35 missiles and they immediately dive to a sea-skimming altitude. Two such missiles are needed to sink the ship, but I launched all four just to make sure."

"This ship has defensive gun system that can shoot down anti-ship missiles, so I hope that by launching four missiles there will be at least two hits. Since the gun system can also track an incoming aircraft, I immediately break hard left while diving to 1000 m. As can be seen in the film taken by a camera placed near the target that we watched during the debriefing, the ship's defensive gun managed to engage and shoot down one Kh-35. However, it is too late to prevent the first 2 missiles from hitting and sinking the ship. In the frame below, taken from the film, you can just see two missiles a few moments before impact and some explosions behind them as the defensive gun system shoot down a Kh-35 missile behind them."

"Alpha flight, who are still loitering the area confirmed that they see an explosion and a smoke column rising from the target area. As planned, I immediately head north to base. As I turn north, I look over my left shoulder and see the smoke from the sinking ship."

"A few moments later, Red Star warns us that the Blue Team has scrambled a flight of F-16Cs from Sevastopol and advises all of us to vacate the area. Upon hearing this warning, Alpha flight immediately leave the area, turning north back to Kerch. We are not particularly concerned, however. The F-16C's will be arriving too late to intercept us."

"After an uneventful trip, I arrive at Kerch and land. Belyakov and Isachenkov arrive approximately 25 minutes later. After exchanging congratulations, we head to the debriefing room."

"At the debriefing, the Red Team gets 2 confirmed A-A kills and one ground target kill without suffering any loss. Mission accomplished."

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Your capability in this game is very perfect. I play it too but I cannot manage its keyboard functioning. Could you teach me?